08 Abril 2020 – 

COViMS (COVID-19 Infections in MS & Related Diseases) is a joint effort of the National MS Society and the Consortium of MS Centers to capture information on outcomes of people with MS and other CNS demyelinating diseases (Neuromyelitis Optica, or MOG antibody disease) who have developed COVID-19.  Do they face special risks associated with COVID-19? Do certain disease modifying treatments incur special risks?  Together, the two organizations along with several independent experts have designed and launched this North American MS registry.

We hope to capture outcomes of COVID-19 in people with CNS demyelinating diseases (MS, Neuromyelitis Optica, or MOG antibody disease) who have confirmed or suspected COVID-19.   Please report only after a minimum of 7 days and sufficient time has passed to observe the disease course through resolution of acute illness or death.

We are counting on robust participation and collaboration. We hope to capture the majority of all North American cases of COVID-19 in people with MS and other CNS demyelinating diseases.  We will rapidly define the impact of COVID-19 on patients with MS and other CNS demyelinating diseases and how factors such as age, comorbidities, and treatments are associated with COVID-19 outcomes.

To report a case of coronavirus, Click Here.

If you have any questions, please reach out to info@covims.org